
Patient/Therapist Relationship

How well patients relate to therapists and vice versa is important to the progress that they make in therapy. According to much of the research on psychotherapy, a positive therapeutic relationship may even be more important for recovery than the type of therapy used. Certain characteristics seem especially important to a good therapeutic relationship between therapists and their patients.




Insight- the patient is able to understand how his/her illness, attitudes and behaviors affect his/her life, (i.e. self-understanding). Rapport-the patient and therapist seem to "click with one another." Empathy- an empathic therapist tries to understand the situations and feelings through the patient 's eyes.
Honesty- the patient is able to discuss his/her symptoms and/or situations. Trust-the patient views the therapeutic relationship as helpful and the therapist finds the patient interested in changing. Genuineness- the therapist has an honest and interested approach towards a patient.
Motivation-the patient has a desire to feel better and improve his/her situation.   Confidentiality- a therapist keeps what is said in therapy between himself and the patient except when the patient or others are in danger.
Persistence- the patient is willing to make a commitment to work at getting better.   Unconditional Positive Regard- a therapist does not treat a patient in a judgmental way.